UPDATED: March 6, 2025
I've started creating the Japanese "fields". Here is the latest list that is being worked on;
➔ Akajiso (red perilla)
➔ Hakusai (Chinese cabbage
➔ Horenso (spinach)
➔ Kayabetsu (cabbage)
➔ Komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach)
➔ Kyuri (cucumber)
➔...UPDATED: March 6, 2025
I've started creating the Japanese "fields". Here is the latest list that is being worked on;
➔ Akajiso (red perilla)
➔ Hakusai (Chinese cabbage
➔ Horenso (spinach)
➔ Kayabetsu (cabbage)
➔ Komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach)
➔ Kyuri (cucumber)
➔ Moyashi (mung bean sprouts)
➔ Mizuna (Japanese mustard)
➔ Naganegi (leek)
➔ Nasu (aubergine)
➔ Negi (green onion)
➔ Shiso (perilla)
➔ Kuroi torifere (Japanese black trifele tomato) -- name change to SF Tofifere
1st Planting: gyazo.com/2a6eca05ac81d5a85c327e7be1acee97
The update will come with a NC that gives the names, the changes and the uploads. I'm trying to keep it as informative as i can. I will be testing them for a month on Kaze no Sato.
(edited for spelling, gyazo and names)
March 1, 2025:
- Need to adjust textures of Kamatsuma & Mizuna
- Adjusted the config file to read the correct plants, adjusted replanting to 0
- All plants successfully planted.
March 3, 2025:
- Plants have grown to Ripe
- Received the "object" Negi correctly, but receive 3 script errors upon harvesting. ("config" file is in the small field, not in the Negi object - FIXED & Testing)
****** [18:06] Notecard 'config' could not be found.
- Kuroi torifere grew correctly, but delivered Shiso. Rename Kuroi torifere to Tofifere in the field config - RETESTING
- Naganegi delivered Mizuna and the container was sideways.
- Nasu delievered Naganegi
- Mizuna delivered Moyashi (still need to fix Mizuna-New)
- Kyuri delivered correctly, but container was sideways
- Negi delievered Nasu, container was sideways
- Komatsuna delievered correctly, but container was sideways (still need to fix Kamatsuna-New)
- Hakusai delivered correctly (yay, no changes! I got one right!!!)
- Horenso delivered correctly (yay, no changes! I got another one right!!!)
- Kayabestsu delivered correctly (yay, no changes! I got another one right!!!)
(3 out of 13 is why we test. lol)
March 6, 2025
- Container rotation set with a replacement of the root prim, Tested - New Buckets Rezzed Correctly
- Renamed the Torifer to "Tomato" and SF Tomato, changed the images, tested & rezzed correctly
- Recreated the Yasai Garden, tested each crop separately and all is right.
- Replanted all Yasai Gardens, updated config, added watered and testing
- Added P; at the start of the description for it to be recognized as a product
- Image of "New" plants: gyazo.com/f9f2cfdfb5a107d643f6d4ced0fd4e7a
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It's been a little bit since i posted, but there has been lots of changes as I have learn VS/SF and how to make it work. I am now streamlining my farm and updating items, adding recipes, etc. to fit the Japanese theme. The scripts remain the same (except a few tweaks here...It's been a little bit since i posted, but there has been lots of changes as I have learn VS/SF and how to make it work. I am now streamlining my farm and updating items, adding recipes, etc. to fit the Japanese theme. The scripts remain the same (except a few tweaks here and there) so they will work with the rest of the system. I will be giving away my items at the marketplace on Kaze no Sato if anyone is interested. They come recipes, ingredients, new names, etc. to fit the Japanese themes. I will be creating new crops, animals, etc as i go. I am doing testing on a few that are in creation now so they should give you any problem. Here's a couple of photos to give you an idea. Show more

Kaze no Sato
Kaze no Sato is a Japanese style region based in D/s, farming and training. We use VivoSim & SatyrFarm to aid in the training of bottoms, submissives and slaves interested in service. We adhere to a strict protocol, use family-style dynamics, discipline and more. We offer...
Kaze no Sato is being rebuilt after the removal of The Inferno. I am rebuilding is as a 1x1 based in Edo-style Japan for the countryside and neo-Japan style for the city. It will be a few days before it is open to visitors, but I will update the progress as it gets done...Kaze no Sato is being rebuilt after the removal of The Inferno. I am rebuilding is as a 1x1 based in Edo-style Japan for the countryside and neo-Japan style for the city. It will be a few days before it is open to visitors, but I will update the progress as it gets done. This picture is of the entrance to our home. I hope to see you once we open the doors to the public. - feeling happy Show more

Annah Gestaga -
updated page, Kaze no Sato
Kaze no Sato is a Japanese style region based in D/s, farming and training. We use VivoSim & SatyrFarm to aid in the training of bottoms, submissives and slaves interested in service. We adhere to a strict protocol, use family-style dynamics, discipline and more. We offer training of geisha/taikomochi and oiran through study, practice and discipline including service, tea ceremonies, classes, clients and more. We hope you will visit Kaze no Sato and enjoy the Wind City.
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Annah Gestaga