Question Annual Get Together
- a Guest
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Do you have an annual get together for everyone involved in the Quintonia system? I think it would be a great social activity and give everyone a chance to make their favorite recipe or decoration or whatever to put on display or share. Maybe something between Thanksgiving and Christmas if you don't already have such an event. :side:
par a Guest
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- RaeLeaSquirrelHerder
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I think that would be fantastic! Sounds like a great time!
par RaeLeaSquirrelHerder
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- Admin
- Remerciements reçus 259
Just wondering what people's thoughts are on how long it would last and also what sort of start time would suit most people (since I believe we have a wide range of countries among the members!)
par Admin
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- a Guest
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We're planning a Yulefest in our Grid, I sent a notecard to everyone asking for the best date and time for them, and we usually run it all day long so everyone has a chance to attend and see stuff and socialize a bit, we're planning the dance for about mid day or 1pm eastern time that makes it about 10am OS time to 6 or 7pm for those in Europe and England. Probably on a Sunday as that's when most people are off work. But that's for our grid, might work to plan it that way for Quintonia!

Last Edit:06 Oct 2020 20:04
par a Guest
Dernière édition: 06 Oct 2020 20:04 par a Guest.
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- Mak Attack Lord
- Remerciements reçus 13
Maybe make it so it an all day thing so everybody gets a chance since there is people from all over the world.
par Mak Attack Lord
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