Question Dwarf or Elf Farmer NPC
- a Guest
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Would it be possible to have a Dwarf or Elf farmer NPC instead of a smurf or even something that appears more medieval.
par a Guest
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- Brinley Taliesin
- Remerciements reçus 30
Did you know you can clone your own avi for an NPC farm bot? You could make yourself into an elf or dwarf or whatever you like, then be sure to wear the "SF NPC Listener (npc must wear)" that's inside the NPC Controller, then click "Save Appearance". Then simply load the new NPC and there you go

par Brinley Taliesin
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- Admin
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That said, I do have an experimental one in the Workshop area on Aquino which you are more than welcome to copy (it's okay as long as you don't look to closely at the neck!)
par Admin
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- a Guest
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I did, however every time i try that the NPC is as dumb as I am and walks into walls and gets stuck. LOL:lol: :lol: :lol:
par a Guest
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- Admin
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Yes NPC's are not that smart and do really need everything around them set as phantom. If you want to use the NPC farmer it really is a case of designing your farm space around their limitations!
par Admin
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- a Guest
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