Question Medieval

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Medieval a été créé par a Guest

Posted 01 Sep 2020 02:09 #561
I would like to see more medieval items and fantasy items as well that could be used in our fantasy regions and in our Viking regions. I am working on some and will share when they are done. :lol: :side:
par a Guest

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  • Admin
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Réponse de Admin sur le sujet Medieval

Posted 02 Sep 2020 08:54 #570
Great and thank you in anticipation. I'm always happy to sort out the scripting etc if people's skills are more building than scripting.
par Admin
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  • Brinley Taliesin
  • Remerciements reçus 30

Réponse de Brinley Taliesin sur le sujet Medieval

Posted 02 Sep 2020 16:35 #574
If you have a way to export from Second Life and import to your grid, Aleymart on the SL Marketplace is a terrific source of free items and gives permission for use anywhere as long as nothing is sold for profit. Aleymart in SL

A lot of her items have already been imported to Opensim on Kitely and can be found here: Arcadia-Aley Library
par Brinley Taliesin
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