Question click to activate

  • Shadows Myst
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click to activate a été créé par Shadows Myst

Posted 09 Mar 2020 20:18 #76
My food hud every now and then says click to activate...i click but nothing happens...then it and me keep repeating over and do i activate what ever it is...?
par Shadows Myst

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Réponse de Admin sur le sujet click to activate

Posted 09 Mar 2020 22:15 #77
Sorry to hear you are having problems. The HUD tries to connect to this website so it can handle points etc. Sounds like something is blocking that. If you are up to it, right click and select Edit then click on the Content tab. Now double click on the item hud-main to open it and change the line near the top that says integer DEBUGMODE = FALSE; to integer DEBUGMODE = TRUE; that way it will give some messages that may help me see what's going wrong for you.
Last Edit:09 Mar 2020 22:16 par Admin
Dernière édition: 09 Mar 2020 22:16 par Admin.

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  • Shadows Myst
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Réponse de Shadows Myst sur le sujet click to activate

Posted 23 Mar 2020 18:39 #82
[11:28:13] Quintonia SatyrFarm HUD-V3.6: DEBUG_HUD-MAIN link_message: {TEXT|Click to activate|<1.000000, 0.255000, 0.212000>|}
cmd: {TEXT}
[11:28:13] Quintonia SatyrFarm HUD-V3.6: Click to activate
that is the message i get
par Shadows Myst

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Réponse de Admin sur le sujet click to activate

Posted 24 Mar 2020 09:11 #83
I found one setting on the website that was wrong so changed that. If that doesn't work please can you repeat the above but this time do it to points and see what messages that gives
par Admin

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