Supprimé Baby... two items

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Baby... two items a été créé par a Guest

Posted 05 Nov 2022 16:31 #2199
1. whatever I do -- put baby in cot, put it down -- I end up with, two. Is this normal?

2. Baby manual seriously needs an update. With regard, cot... detaching doesn't default to cot; rather, it brings up clothing items to be detached. At least one other item (Murder(!)) doesn't appear anywhere, in my menus. I am also unable to update the baby hud (I think I may have pointed this out in another post).
par a Guest

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  • Cris Zully
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Réponse de Cris Zully sur le sujet Baby... two items

Posted 05 Nov 2022 18:14 #2200
Importante quando você atachar o bb no corpo aceitar o pedido da janela que abre. Se não funciona dê reset na opção interação que o bb volta a pedir para atachar e tudo volta ao normal.
par Cris Zully

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Réponse de a Guest sur le sujet Baby... two items

Posted 05 Nov 2022 18:24 #2201
???????????? thanks
par a Guest

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