Question SF Storage Cart

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SF Storage Cart a été créé par a Guest

Posted 21 Oct 2022 16:58 #2118

I noticed that the SF Storage Cart only works on ground.
Since I have a lot of paths (objects) with me,
is it possible to set the SF Storage Cart in such a way that they work on objects?
par a Guest

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
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Réponse de Buzzy Cnayl sur le sujet SF Storage Cart

Posted 22 Oct 2022 10:59 #2125
Sorry, I'm not sure what you are asking. The storage cart works for me on 'platforms' up in the air if that si what you mean? Also, there is the 'backpack' which you can wear and then store and retrieve items on the move.
par Buzzy Cnayl

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Réponse de a Guest sur le sujet SF Storage Cart

Posted 22 Oct 2022 11:09 #2128
yes . The storage cart - work not on plattform..

I fall through platform
par a Guest

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Réponse de a Guest sur le sujet SF Storage Cart

Posted 22 Oct 2022 13:42 #2135

Would it be possible to set the storage cart to Physic ODE.

additionally produce with ODE?

that would be great
par a Guest

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
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Réponse de Buzzy Cnayl sur le sujet SF Storage Cart

Posted 22 Oct 2022 17:51 #2140
Ah yes, I tested in a region with uBode physics and see what you mean! I've put out new versions in the Mintor store (outside) that should auto-detect the physics and seem to work on platforms in ubode, based on my quick testing!
par Buzzy Cnayl

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