Questão new stock
- Secret Bonez Darkmatter
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i for the life of me can not figure out the new stock button, when I use it I get a message saying that it is already in my inventory. What am I doing wrong?
por Secret Bonez Darkmatter
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The idea of the New Stock button is that it allows you to add a new item to the storage. So for example if you have a storage barrel that just holds Yarn and you click the New Stock button when there is, say, some Twine near it, you can then select Twine and the storage will try to add it (you need to have an Exchange in the same region) Once it adds it you will see, in this example, that the storage barrel now shows levels for both Yarn and Twine and you can then use the Add Product button to add the Twine into that store.
Hope that makes sense! I've done a quick video to help explain it
Hope that makes sense! I've done a quick video to help explain it
por Admin
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- Secret Bonez Darkmatter
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oh ok now i understand thank you so much it makes sense now yay thank you so very much. ok so I did exactly what it says to do and all it is doing is checking and nothing else I am not sure what I am doing wrong, I do have an exchange in the region.
Last Edit:07 Jan. 2021 00:29
por Secret Bonez Darkmatter
Ultima edição : 07 Jan. 2021 00:29 por Secret Bonez Darkmatter.
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Ah, my mistake as I realise that the current release version of the Exchange doesn't support this feature! I will be putting out an update for existing storage units soon to update them and so will also add in an updater for the exchange.
por Admin
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- Secret Bonez Darkmatter
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ok thank so very much i really appricate it
por Secret Bonez Darkmatter
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- Admin
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Running a bit behind on this but it will be available soon!
por Admin
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