Domanda Exotic Birds

  • Savannah Joy
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  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 1

Exotic Birds è stato creato da Savannah Joy

Posted 01/02/2022 17:17 #1758
Will you be making any types of exotic birds in the future?  Like Parrots, Tucans, Owls, Eagles, etc, etc, etc?
da Savannah Joy
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : John Sheppard

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  • Admin
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Risposta da Admin al topic Exotic Birds

Posted 02/02/2022 09:03 #1765
I do have on my list the idea of making birds. Still thinking about how to make them work (could just have them on perches but would love to get a few flying around as well perhaps!)
da Admin

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  • Savannah Joy
  • Autore della discussione
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 1

Risposta da Savannah Joy al topic Exotic Birds

Posted 03/02/2022 01:14 #1767
That would look awesome ;)
TY Buzzy! ;)
da Savannah Joy

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