Domanda hello

  • Hope Fading
  • Autore della discussione
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 9

hello è stato creato da Hope Fading

Posted 04/06/2020 03:51 #306
hi, is the quintonia grid down - in world
have been trying to get there all day,
Teleport failed.
Service request failed: Unable to connect to the remote server

da Hope Fading

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  • Brinley Taliesin
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 30

Risposta da Brinley Taliesin al topic hello

Posted 04/06/2020 05:18 #307
Yes same here, the grid is down at the moment it seems.
da Brinley Taliesin
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : Hope Fading

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  • Hope Fading
  • Autore della discussione
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 9

Risposta da Hope Fading al topic hello

Posted 04/06/2020 05:20 #308
been down all day :)
da Hope Fading

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  • Admin
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 258

Risposta da Admin al topic hello

Posted 04/06/2020 09:24 #309
Sorry all - Mintor crashed (other regions should be okay)

It has done this a few times now ever since I upgraded it to latest version of opensim so not sure what's going on but will try and find a way to keep it running more reliably.
da Admin
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : Hope Fading, Louis Quatorze

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