Domanda Baby Medicine

  • Page Thane
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Baby Medicine è stato creato da Page Thane

Posted 03/04/2023 17:46 #2397
How do you make Baby Medicine
da Page Thane

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 50

Risposta da Buzzy Cnayl al topic Baby Medicine

Posted 03/04/2023 17:58 #2398
I just checked and you make Baby Medicine from Medicine, but then I found you make 'Medicine' from 'Baby Medicine' and actually there is no medicine as a product yet!  The baby system is something I haven't had a chance to do much on. I've had a few people say they will work on it but then nothing comes of it.  I do hope to get back to it soon.

For now, the SF Bathroom Storage does store it and you can always buy some from the Exchange.
da Buzzy Cnayl
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