Domanda Expansion pack - Crafting update

  • Buzzy Cnayl
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  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 55

Expansion pack - Crafting update è stato creato da Buzzy Cnayl

Posted 13/05/2023 11:23 #2500
I have updated the crafting expansion pack. All the items are now 'task enabled' so do keep an eye on the task list (Menu item Worlds then Tasks

You can pick up a copy from Mintor store.

  • You can edit the config notecard and select between showing 'percent complete' or 'Time remaining'.  You can also select to show both.
  • I have also added a few 'old world' style versions od some of the items.
Last Edit:13/05/2023 11:32 da Buzzy Cnayl
Ultima Modifica 13/05/2023 11:32 da Buzzy Cnayl.

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