Question Unable to eat & drinl agian
- Chelsea Himmel
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Unable to eat and drink again. it uses 100% of items and sends message nothing of value. A recheck of hud then showed account unlinked again. relinked it but still can not eat or drinlk
Last Edit:14 Mai 2023 15:24
par Chelsea Himmel
Dernière édition: 14 Mai 2023 15:24 par Chelsea Himmel. Raison: correction
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- Buzzy Cnayl
- Remerciements reçus 49
Sorry to hear you re having all these problems. I'm not sure why/how your accout unlinks. It is possible that the HUD may say it is unlinked sometimes so the best way to check is on your profile page here (
) where you can see if it is linked correctly.
In terms of eating/drinking though, that shouldn't be affected by if the account is linked or not. Please can you try using the 'Inspect' button to see what it says for both 'prepared food' and also one of the edible crops (like Apples, Cherries etc) Those two type of foods work slightly differently so it will help me try and figure out what is going wrong.
In terms of eating/drinking though, that shouldn't be affected by if the account is linked or not. Please can you try using the 'Inspect' button to see what it says for both 'prepared food' and also one of the edible crops (like Apples, Cherries etc) Those two type of foods work slightly differently so it will help me try and figure out what is going wrong.
par Buzzy Cnayl
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- Buzzy Cnayl
- Remerciements reçus 49
Also, if you get a chance, could you leave a copy of the HUD you are using in the 'Workshop' area on Mintor and I can take a look at it.
par Buzzy Cnayl
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- Chelsea Himmel
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- Remerciements reçus 2
I believe this happens when idle for a while and everything goes in red zone. Id I tgo back to mintor after the eating issue happens and get a new hud I can eat again.The eating issue happens wirh Melina Twain as well but her account does not unlink.
par Chelsea Himmel
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- Chelsea Himmel
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where is the workshop area?
par Chelsea Himmel
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- Chelsea Himmel
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that ma be the problem to as when going to wesbsite it shows im linked I think, but still need to relink to get account info on Hud again and hsave to get new huds to fix the eating issue.
par Chelsea Himmel
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