Question Water Tower4 issue

  • Chelsea Himmel
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Water Tower4 issue a été créé par Chelsea Himmel

Posted 17 Aoû 2024 17:15 #2788
Has something changed. Been using the Electic water towers over  year. Now they are running out of water causing plants to die.
par Chelsea Himmel

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  • Savannah Joy
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Réponse de Savannah Joy sur le sujet Water Tower4 issue

Posted 19 Aoû 2024 05:49 #2789
What do the electric water towers look like? I would like to try those if there is no bugs in them.
Thanks for posting this question or I never would have thought to ask! :)
par Savannah Joy

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  • Jill Moorison
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Réponse de Jill Moorison sur le sujet Water Tower4 issue

Posted 19 Aoû 2024 15:33 #2790
Its in the Pack 8 electric
par Jill Moorison

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  • Chelsea Himmel
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Réponse de Chelsea Himmel sur le sujet Water Tower4 issue

Posted 22 Aoû 2024 11:29 #2793
Update : water towers are on a 3x3 region and have been working fine until about a week age. I now see they are not self filling and feeders run out of water, Relaced towers and over time they run out of water as well and are in the farm group.
par Chelsea Himmel

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
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Réponse de Buzzy Cnayl sur le sujet Water Tower4 issue

Posted 23 Aoû 2024 09:02 #2798
I have heard other people say they have issues on 3x3 or larger regions. At the moment the largest I have tested on is 2x2 so will plan to do some tests to see what could be the problem on larger regions.
par Buzzy Cnayl

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  • Chelsea Himmel
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Réponse de Chelsea Himmel sur le sujet Water Tower4 issue

Posted 24 Aoû 2024 09:19 #2799
I replaced the Electric Water towers to the original starter pack towers yesterday, so far they are maintaining 90 - 100 %
par Chelsea Himmel

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