Pregunta Help with script?
- April McKenna
Autor del tema
- Gracias recibidas: 3
I would like to alter the power wind turbine a bit to only show the power rate and nothing else. i have tried altering it myself but i either get it scrambled or nothing on the floating text.
por April McKenna
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- Buzzy Cnayl
- Gracias recibidas: 49
In the script power_eco_generator change line 157 from:
txtMsg = TXT_WIND_DIR+": "+(string)compassWind+"°\n" +TXT_WIND_SPEED +": "+(string)windSpeed+" m/S\n"+ TXT_EFFICIENCY +": " +(string)effi + " %\n";
txtMsg = TXT_EFFICIENCY +": " +(string)effi + " %\n";
por Buzzy Cnayl
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- April McKenna
Autor del tema
- Gracias recibidas: 3
Thanks Buzzy, will give it a go and let you know the outcome.
por April McKenna
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