Pregunta One NPC Plants Trees in Forestry.. Another Forestry, New NPC Doesn't --Same Config

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Title kind of says it all. Both NPCs using the same config card. First Forestry platform, the NPC takes care of it all. When I put on a 2nd Forestry platform about 50 meters or so away,, with new NPC, it only planted 2 or 3 trees, out of the whole. Harvesting, is also a puzzle --one does, other one sometimes. Twigs & leaves are left for me. So far, no branches to harvest.

I let the test run for three full hours, this evening. Wondering: did I miss, something?? ????


# This notecard contains all the possible settings for the NPC farmer.
# Last name of the NPC Farmer (first name comes from the chosen NPC)
# This text appears in the About section of the NPC's profile
PROFILE=I help out around the farm, always on the go! I tend to mostly talk to myself.
# Set to 1 to auto rez the farmer on region restart
# Radius (in m) to search for items from where the Farmer is standing.
# Set to 0 to stop the running commentary by the NPC
# Set to 1 to randomly play sounds (sound names should match NPC first name e.g. santa1, santa2, santa3 etc) or 0 for no sound effects
# Name of the item for the farmer to get water
WELL=SatyrFarm Well
# Item name | How often to visit | List of plants (separated by ',')
TREE=SF Pine Forest|1|Pine ForestWood,Twigs,Leaves,Branches,Firewood Logs
TREE=SF Maple Tree|1|Maple Tree,Wood,Leaves,Twigs,Branches
TREE=SF Birch Clump|1|Birch Tree,Wood,Twigs,Leaves,Branches,Firewood Logs
TREE=SF Larch Tree|1|Larch Tree,Wood,Twigs,Branches,Firewood Logs
TREE=SF Autumn Tree|1|Autumn TreeWood,Twigs,Leaves,Branches,Firewood Logs
TREE=SF Elm Tree|1|Elm TreeWood,Twigs,Leaves,Branches,Firewood Logs
TREE=SF ShadeTree|1|Shade TreeWood,Twigs,Leaves,Branches,Firewood Logs
TREE=SF Birch Tree|1|Birch Tree,Wood,Twigs,Branches,Firewood Logs
TREE=SF Small Maple Tree|1|Maple Tree,Wood,Twigs,Branches,Firewood Logs
# List of feeders (just checks water level)
#TREE=SF Feeder|1|
# If set to 1 farmer will harvest all ripe crops it finds, otherwise set to 0
# Main store for harvested items
# If some items don't go in main store you can list them and the alternative store
# These items will be stored in the secondary store
SECONDARY_ITEMS=SF Basil,SF Chillies,SF Chives,SF Coriander,SF Dill,SF Ginger,SF Mint,SF Oregano,SF Parsley,SF Rosemary,SF Spearmint,SF Thyme
# If set to 1, farmer will make 'slop' as set out below. Set to 0 to disable
# Default 'slop' is made from water and potatoes,tomatoes,rice or apples, but can be changed here
# List of possible items that can be used
INGREDIENTS=SF Potatoes,SF Tomatoes,SF Rice,SF Apples
# Name of 'slop' product
# Name of the cooking device, default is SatyrFarm Kitchen
KITCHEN=SatyrFarm Kitchen
# Where to store cooked product (default is SF Fridge)
# Language support - default language
por a Guest

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Gracias recibidas: 55

Respuesta de Buzzy Cnayl sobre el tema One NPC Plants Trees in Forestry.. Another Forestry, New NPC Doesn't --Same Config

Posted 26 Oct 2022 11:24 #2150
To be honest the NPC farmer was really only designed to work in a very simple way (with just items from box 1) so it's a bit hit and miss if it works with other things! The 'by-products' of twigs etc it won't know anything about how to collect those plus I notice in your notecard there are some commas missing. Also you can only give it one main store and one secondary store to use. I do have down to look at re-designing the NPC farmer system as people seem to want it to do things the original designer never envisioned people would want!
por Buzzy Cnayl

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Respuesta de a Guest sobre el tema One NPC Plants Trees in Forestry.. Another Forestry, New NPC Doesn't --Same Config

Posted 27 Oct 2022 10:21 #2155
I was having a problem, too. Now, I know. Don't know, if commas are missing, but will look. Thanks.
Last Edit:27 Oct 2022 10:25 por a Guest
Última Edición: 27 Oct 2022 10:25 por a Guest.

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Respuesta de a Guest sobre el tema One NPC Plants Trees in Forestry.. Another Forestry, New NPC Doesn't --Same Config

Posted 27 Oct 2022 10:32 #2157
Oh, ok... will see about scoping out the places missing commas... might, help. Thanks! ????
por a Guest

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