Pregunta how do we use crafted items like chair etc

  • Wild Dog
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how do we use crafted items like chair etc Publicado por Wild Dog

Posted 03 Oct 2022 02:09 #2091
I made a pillow it looks for sf chair,i made a chair on carpentry table,,,it expires in 28 days. the pillow does not find the chair.
there are other things we make that do this as well.

I like the idea of crafting items to use for daily life so the big question is ... how do we make things we crafted to be usable?
por Wild Dog

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Gracias recibidas: 55

Respuesta de Buzzy Cnayl sobre el tema how do we use crafted items like chair etc

Posted 03 Oct 2022 11:50 #2092
Making the non-food items you make more interactable is on my to do list and I'm starting to work on it. First question for me that's some up is how people would like the default touch/click action to be set. As an example for the chair it could be the same as other products in that clicking it makes it follow you then clicking again puts it down. To sit on it you would need to right mouse click and select 'Sit here' My thought is that it probably makes more sense to switch it around, so you need to right mouse on it to do the touch and have it follow you since after that you are going to mostly want to sit on it? Feedback welcome!

For the cushion I realise it looks for the SF Chair but the one you make is called SF Wood Chair which is why the cushion doesn't find it, plus the wood chair doesn't have the code to accept it so just renaming it won't work!

Keep an eye out as I will release some test ideas soon in the beta testing section of the Mintor store!
por Buzzy Cnayl

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Gracias recibidas: 55

Respuesta de Buzzy Cnayl sobre el tema how do we use crafted items like chair etc

Posted 03 Oct 2022 11:54 #2093
Another thought I've had is that when you make things they behave like normal products and follow you around, can be sold on exchange etc, but you can 'convert' them into household items (perhaps via the HUD) and then they change to have the function of that thing (such as sit for chairs etc) Once converted you can't sell them in the exchange (although perhaps a 'second hand market' could be a thing?!)
por Buzzy Cnayl

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  • Wild Dog
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Respuesta de Wild Dog sobre el tema how do we use crafted items like chair etc

Posted 04 Oct 2022 02:27 #2094
i like your idea of converting and having it able to be traded or sold 2nd hand. you had there
once converted can not go on exchange unless there is a secondhand category is my thought on that.
i should try beta i enjoy being creative when i have teh time i am a otr truck driver
tghe right click idea not so much, it needs to change type of item i think.

in general i would like to do a//// you start w a small set of things and make your items to process products and crops. and literealy build your farm from seed and a few animals
that would be a cool scenario idea. kinda like colonizing a new place arrive w cart of tools and seeds a fdew animals.
por Wild Dog

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