Pregunta Quintonia-Satyrfarm HUD Version 5.1

  • Admin
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Quintonia-Satyrfarm HUD Version 5.1 Publicado por Admin

Posted 25 May 2021 13:14 #1460
The beta 5.1 that has been around since December is now released as version 5.1  It has changes to support 'critters' such as the baby along with a few changes around communications with Quintonia servers.
por Admin

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  • River Lonetree
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Respuesta de River Lonetree sobre el tema Quintonia-Satyrfarm HUD Version 5.1

Posted 29 May 2021 15:39 #1462
I got mine - YAY! I had to buy the actual box though, no biggie.  :)
por River Lonetree

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  • Admin
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  • Gracias recibidas: 258

Respuesta de Admin sobre el tema Quintonia-Satyrfarm HUD Version 5.1

Posted 02 Jun 2021 09:45 #1463
in theory, if you detach the HUD then TP to Mintor, set your active group to Quintonia and then wear the HUD it should send you a new one after a short while, but yes, it's in the box as well :)
por Admin

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  • a Guest
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Respuesta de a Guest sobre el tema Quintonia-Satyrfarm HUD Version 5.1

Posted 19 Jul 2021 15:03 #1512
Cnayl, I'm having trouble with my V5.1 Hud and the Exchange. I can't get the Exchange online nor the Hud. I've tried everything I can think of to get them online. Any thoughts of advice?
por a Guest

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