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Frage New Drink or new Recipe

  • Louis Quatorze
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New Drink or new Recipe wurde erstellt von Louis Quatorze

Posted 02 Sep. 2020 19:43 #577
how to do to parameter which % to drink from a bottle par exemple?
I Think about PRODUCT_PARAMS but what put in this line?
Thanks a lot

von Louis Quatorze

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  • Brinley Taliesin
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Brinley Taliesin antwortete auf New Drink or new Recipe

Posted 02 Sep. 2020 19:53 #578
I think that is set inside the HUD in the DATA_VALUES file.
For example:
Apple juice glass|100|Thirsty:-70 means you consume 100% and Thirst decreases 70
Apple Pie|25|Hungry:-50 means you consume 25% and Hunger decreases 50
von Brinley Taliesin
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  • Louis Quatorze
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Louis Quatorze antwortete auf New Drink or new Recipe

Posted 02 Sep. 2020 20:01 #579
hum I think this is when Recipe is in server
but in first we have % on product in hovertext but I will try to see
von Louis Quatorze

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  • Louis Quatorze
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Louis Quatorze antwortete auf New Drink or new Recipe

Posted 02 Sep. 2020 20:23 #580
Thanks Brinley!

It works perfectly now!
Have a nice evening!
von Louis Quatorze

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  • Admin
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Admin antwortete auf New Drink or new Recipe

Posted 02 Sep. 2020 21:20 #581
Yes the way the HUD works is it looks first in that notecard to see if there is an entry for the product. If not it uses the values it finds in the product, but in that case it will always use 100% of it.

At the moment, the DATA_VALUES notecard can get overwritten as part of a HUD update, but I will look to make it so either you can store your own values or/and the product notecard can allow for values other than 100%
von Admin
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Louis Quatorze

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