Auch bei Arbeiten auf dem Feld muss man mal eine Pause machen
Even when working in the field you have to take a break sometimes

Das Kaiserreich Cartabria
Wir haben auf unserer Region deutsche Produkte verteilt, sie sind sinnvoll verteilt und du kannst sie verarbeiten und verbrauchen! Du kannst auch weiter dein "VivoSim-HUD" nutzen und Punkte sammeln.
What can i do?
my SF Wind Turbine say the error:
"First parameter must be a valid agent key"
Everything is fine, I'm looking forward to using it soon.
I need many weeks to prepare my country, but then we will play with Vivo in Cartabria
I don't know why everything was frozen, but I redid all the regions and it works now - sorry about that
But i have some questions:
1. Can I use the system with my own products?
I will mixed with your items
2. When i have a special produkt in my land, can you bring it in the "VivoSim Exchange" so other can Sell and nuy them ?
It would be 2-3 products maybe wine , jewels or so
3. The HUD - for my Grid
We have other products - for my own values for nutrition and health i use "DATA_USERVALS" - it will be ever the same when come a update ?
If I have any more questions, I'll come back
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hello from germany - my Farmsystem is frozen and I do not know why.
I hava in my own grid cartabria - a region 1024*1024 with many farmitems under construction.
Some products will not be rezzedm when i harvest - i can´t see them. most from fields.
And now all farms items are frozen - also the animals are frozen.
I make e resart from this region - mot better
I clean the assetcache - short better
Is a Var Region a problem for vivosim?
best regards
Admin Cartabria
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Basic Information
Avatar/Character design -
OpenSim Home (e.g. hg.vivosim.net:8002:lugo)
cartabria.de:8002 -
About me
Ich bin Rollenspieler und Farmer / I am a role player and farmer -
Cartabria -