Questão new chicken coup

  • Melania Twain
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new chicken coupfoi criado por Melania Twain

Posted 13 maio 2023 09:29 #2496
went to Mintor to buy the new chicken coup but it is not det for sale or copy.
por Melania Twain

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
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Respondido por Buzzy Cnayl no tópico new chicken coup

Posted 13 maio 2023 09:40 #2497
Sorry about that, is now available.
por Buzzy Cnayl

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  • Chelsea Himmel
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Respondido por Chelsea Himmel no tópico new chicken coup

Posted 13 maio 2023 11:56 #2502
picked it up but it will not let me add food or water
04:49] SF Chicken Coop: Error! Item not found nearby, please bring it closer
[04:52] Sf Chicken Coop: Error! Item not found nearby, please bring it closer

Also can food be changed to corn or grain instead of slop w auto food from storage silo.
por Chelsea Himmel
Os seguintes utilizadores Agradeceram: Buzzy Cnayl

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
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Respondido por Buzzy Cnayl no tópico new chicken coup

Posted 13 maio 2023 13:08 #2503
You can edit the config notecard to change the food etc, see below.  Not sure why not accepting food/water, when I tried it worked okay.  Maybe something in the config notecard?

# Name of item to accept as food. There can be multiple  FOOD= lines  if  you wish the feeder to accept multiple foods[/font]
# Short name of product to accept as food. from the FOODTOWER
# Full name of storage location to take FOODITEM from
#Full name of the water tower that supplies this coop
# Short name of the product to take from the WATERTOWER
Last Edit:13 maio 2023 13:11 por Buzzy Cnayl
Ultima edição : 13 maio 2023 13:11 por Buzzy Cnayl.

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  • Chelsea Himmel
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Respondido por Chelsea Himmel no tópico new chicken coup

Posted 13 maio 2023 13:13 #2504
thanks it seems to be working. eggs ack chickrn is increasing but food does not increease when adding and is at 8 t0 9 percent on autofeed
por Chelsea Himmel

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Obrigado recebido 49

Respondido por Buzzy Cnayl no tópico new chicken coup

Posted 13 maio 2023 13:21 #2505
The levels for food & water have to drop below 5% before the auto feature will pull in more.
por Buzzy Cnayl

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