Questão baby
- Hope Fading
- Obrigado recebido 9
should have added, take/get item you want from the baby bag....
por Hope Fading
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- Mak Attack Lord
- Obrigado recebido 13
the Ver I have you had to click the wipes diapers and rez the bottle and you clicked the baby to use the items
por Mak Attack Lord
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- Elke Craig
Autor do tópico
- Obrigado recebido 7
i rezzed out the blue and yellow baby bag and there is noting in them so what do I do now, ok see what I have to do now but one last thing on the text it says nappy what do I do for that number to go to 0?
Last Edit:22 Out. 2020 22:04
por Elke Craig
Ultima edição : 22 Out. 2020 22:04 por Elke Craig.
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