Questão New Status

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New Statusfoi criado por a Guest

Posted 06 Nov. 2022 16:51 #2205
I was reading through the script and recipes, and I noticed Drunkness is mentioned, is there a way to make that a status that we see, or can we add our own status or mood?
por a Guest

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
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Respondido por Buzzy Cnayl no tópico New Status

Posted 09 Nov. 2022 20:59 #2223
At the moment it's just part of the figure you get for health. I think I didn't put it on the display so as not to clutter it, but I will think about perhaps making it an option. At the moment, if you try drinking lots of alcohol, you will get a message warning you not to drink so much.
por Buzzy Cnayl

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Respondido por a Guest no tópico New Status

Posted 12 Nov. 2022 21:20 #2232
Are we able to add custom status or mood? as we may create items to interact with those.
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  • Buzzy Cnayl
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Respondido por Buzzy Cnayl no tópico New Status

Posted 13 Nov. 2022 14:20 #2233
You can set your status to AFK (away from keyboard) and OOC (out of character). I could certainly add a way for people to add to more of those if that helps. You can see how it looks by clicking on the Status button in the HUD then turning on OOC

For other things such as you health, how hungry you are etc, there isn't a way to do that at the moment as those things all tied in to the system knowing what each product gives (the 'nutrition' values) but if you have particular wishes for extra things do let me know. I have been thinking that things like how engrossed or bored you are, perhaps happy and sad may be something that would be good especially as I am working on ways to enhance the XP system so doing tasks, eating a variety of foods etc will give you points.
por Buzzy Cnayl

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Respondido por a Guest no tópico New Status

Posted 13 Nov. 2022 23:35 #2234
Interesting. I ran across something in the last day, or so, that raised eyebrows: NO nutritional value in orange juice!? Seems, all produce grown on Satyr should be edible with appropriate nutrition, value. Just a thought. ????
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  • Buzzy Cnayl
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Respondido por Buzzy Cnayl no tópico New Status

Posted 14 Nov. 2022 21:06 #2238
Not all things you produce can be eaten 'directly', sometimes you need to make something with it first. In this case 'Orange juice' is actually a complete Keg and you can't drink directly from that. Instead you need to make something from it such as the 'SF Orange juice jug' which does have a value. You can Inspect things with the HUD to see their values, also you can see all the nutrition values at
por Buzzy Cnayl

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