Questão SF Barrel store, SF Keg store
- Louis Quatorze
Autor do tópico
- Obrigado recebido 30
Barrels sometimes go to a busy place. or go to an empty place but no aligned or bad orientation (90 deg remember a post about this but dont find it!)
Barrels sometimes go to a busy place. or go to an empty place but no aligned or bad orientation (90 deg remember a post about this but dont find it!)
por Louis Quatorze
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- Admin
- Obrigado recebido 259
Yes, there is a beta version of the product script that should fix that. I will be releasing an update soon.
Last Edit:04 Set. 2020 17:21
por Admin
Ultima edição : 04 Set. 2020 17:21 por Admin.
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