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4.0 - Nutrition & Health

(d) Custom nutrition values 

The HUD contains a list of ‘nutrition’ values for all of the main items in the VivoSim system. Nutrition covers hunger and thirst as well as drunkenness, health, hygiene, bladder and energy. This information is kept updated via the VivoSim servers. Please do let us know if something is missing! You can also add your own entries, either for new items that you have created or to use different values from the default VivoSim ones. Just edit the notecard in the HUD called DATA_ USERVALS

The HUD always checks for nutrition information by first looking in the DATA_USERVALS notecard, then if not found it checks the default values notecard, and finally, if still not find it checks the config notecard in the product. If it still can’t find any values you will get the message that nothing useable was found in the item.

The format for adding values is the name of the product (without the SF part) followed by what percentage to use and then the actual values. As an example, the default values for SF Apples are written as:


This tells the HUD to use 25% of the product (so you can get four helpings from the one bucket of apples) and it will decrease thirst by 5 and decrease hunger by 20

You can specify one or more of the various nutrition parameters which are:

Thirsty: A negative value will decrease your thirst. Positive values will make you more thirsty.

Hungry: A negative value will decrease your hunger. Positive values will make you more hungry.

Drunk: A negative value will decrease your drunkenness. Positive values will make you more drunk.

Health: A positive value will improve your health. Negative values will decrease your health (make you more sick).

Sick: This is just the reverse of health, so a positive value will make your more sick and a negative value will increase your health (make you less sick).

Energy: A positive value will increase your energy level. Negative will decrease it.

Hygiene: A positive value will increase your hygiene. Negative values will decrease it i.e. make your more ‘dirty’

Bladder: Negative values will decrease the fullness of your bladder. Positive values will relieve it.

Age: MinAge & MaxAge to specify what age range can use this item.

* For positive values you should just enter the number. Do not include the + sign

Widget|25|Thirsty:-15|Hungry:-1|Bladder:10 CORRECT

Widget|25|Thirsty:-15|Hungry:-1|Bladder:+10 INCORRECT


(e) Health and Happiness

As well as the values you get from using things, you can also affect your health and well-being in other ways:

Making things

Making anything on a machine that requires you to ‘sit’ needs energy to complete the task. This is checked before you start and the machine will let you know if you don’t have enough energy. Once the item is complete, your health will increase by 20.


Pet an animal (close by & below 90 for happy)
Health: 5

Name an animal
Health: 1

Have animal follow you
Health: 1

Get manure
Hygiene: -1

Get feathers
Health: 5

Get wool
Health: 5

Get milk
Health: 5

Get eggs
Health: 5

Mate animal (must be close to animal)
Health: 2

Health: -5, Energy: -1

Fishing (each complete catch)
Energy: 2, Health: 20

Bee hive – get honey
Health: 10

Bee hive – stung
Health: -5 per sting


Harvesting crops
Health: 5, Hygiene: -1, Energy: -2

Planting crops
Health: 5, Hygiene: -1, Energy: -1

Watering plants
Health: 5, Energy: -1

Adding manure
Health: 5, Hygiene: -1, Energy: -1

Get wood
Health: 2, Hygiene: -1

Clean up dead plant
Hygiene: -5, Energy: -2

Put flowers in vase
Health: 5


Lit fire (approx every 10 minutes if you are close to it)
Energy: 10, Health: 5

Chair (default sit time is 2 minutes)
Health: 10, Energy: 80

Shower (default use time of 2 minutes)
Hygiene: 99, Health: 30, Energy: 30

Bath (default use time of 3 minutes)
Hygiene: 50, Health: 10, Energy: 50

Bed (default use time of 2 minutes)
Hygiene: 99, Health: 30, Energy: 30

Sink - Wash
Hygiene: 55

Sink - Shave
Health: 55

Dresser - Makeup
Health: 55

WC (Toilet) – Number 1
Bladder: -30, Hygiene :-5

WC (Toilet) – Number 2
Bladder: -100, Hygiene: -10


SF Energy

SF Health
Health: 55

SF Hygiene
Hygiene: 55

SF Fresh
Bladder: -55, Hygiene: -10


100% on work indicator
Energy: 25



Creative Commons License
This work by Buzzy Cnayl is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

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