Bobbi Fox -
updated page, Picnic Farm
I do get that msg sometimes but everything still seems to work including XP and selling stuff so I just ignore
Oooh no clue. I misunderstood. Heee. I guess I will have to make a group for my farm then play around with it. I will get around to it…eventually
also check this thread
Errm I think it depends a bit on who owns the group and the land your farm is on. Also if the land is group owned or owned by you as individual. If land is owned by you as individual maybe you can just change group in parcel tab (not sure on this as all our land is group owned) and then items would change to new group??. If farm parcel land is deeded to group it might have to be sold back to estate owner with all objects. They can then sell it back to you with all objects and then you should then be able can set to a new group. But I'm a bit hazy on details and it does depend on if you or soemone else owns the estate and the group
anyone getting glitches where everything on farm stops working then a couple minutes later restarts then stops again?
I'm sure you have thought of this but just as a check.. you havent changed groups have you for any reason on your avi?
Basic Information
OpenSim Home (e.g. hg.vivosim.net:8002:lugo)
hg.osgrid.org:80:Lovely -
About me
I'm Bobbi Fox but that's really my stage name when I'm running events at our two clubs on Lovely Region, the Lovely Beach Club and Lovely Space Club :) Mostly I use my Bobbi Coulter avi for farming cos Bobbi C got a HUGE inv!!