
Las regiones de VivoSim son un excelente lugar para pasar el rato y aprender el sistema 'VivoSim'. La 'vida virtual' de VivoSim es una evolución del sistema 'Satyr Farm' con muchas formas de disfrutar de su vida virtual en los mundos de OpenSim. ¡Puede vincular fácilmente su avatar desde cualquier cuadrícula después de registrarse para que pueda comenzar a disfrutar de la diversión de la vida virtual real!

He has been absent like this previously due to real life. Sending positive thoughts his way.


Sharpened Razor has a new avatar. 06:16, 14 Diciembre 2024

anyone getting glitches where everything on farm stops working then a couple minutes later restarts then stops again?

server must be working Im getting Xp and vivos


YES . Lugo has also been offline. Wondering who is maintaining the system?


Last visit looks to have been 17th Oct. Hope he is ok


I posted a message on November 3oyh about a hud issue on Grid Nirvanna. I also notice Lugo has been offline for a while and no relies to issues from Buzzy/admin. Any one know if hge is ok?


I've seen this multiple items for ViviSim.  This seems to be random and occurs in random items.  So consider this a report.

Taken Dec 2, 2024

[10:36] SF Cow: [YEngine]: Exception while running 0912ed25-6bb7-4a04-9cd6-59f768a6a31e
[10:36] SF Cow: InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
[10:36] SF Cow: Prim: <SF Cow>, Script: <prod-rez_plugin>, Location: Kaze no Sato <96,23,20>
[10:36] SF Cow: Script must be Reset to re-enable.
[10:36] SF Cow:  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2+ValueCollection+Enumerator[TKey,TValue].MoveNext () [0x00013] in <d636f104d58046fd9b195699bcb1a744>:0
[10:36] SF Cow:  at OpenSim.Region.Framework.Scenes.SceneObjectPartInventory.AggregateInnerPerms (System.UInt32& owner, System.UInt32& group, System.UInt32& everyone) [0x00045] in...


VivoSim Grid - Stats

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GridStatus: ONLINE

Online_Now: 7

Visitors_Last_30_Days: 452

Total_Regions: 15

Login_URL: hg.vivosim.net:8002

Website: https://vivosim.net

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hg.vivosim.net:8002:Sandy Island

hg.vivosim.net:8002:Julian Beach

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