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Buzzy Cnayl replied to the topic 'beef and cherries' in the forum. 09:08, 06 Marzo 2025

Not sure what you mean. If I get 'SF Cherries' from the Exchange, then use the HUD to do an Inspect, it shows:
Inspect: 25% Cherries
Hungry -20
Thirsty -1
and if I then use them I get:
Using 25% - SF Cherries...
Use: Cherries
Hungry -20
Thirsty -1
So, to me, it seems all is as it should be.

For SF Beef, that is a raw product and so has no nutrional value on its own - it needs to be made into something else.


Chelsea Himmel created a new topic ' beef and cherries' in the forum. 13:32, 05 Marzo 2025

i am suprised nobody reported that the beef and cherries that is purchased in the exchange does not match what is in the HUD. therefore making it unedble unled the hud is modified to match


There are some updated carts in the outside area of the Mintor store. These should auto detect the physics engine (BulletSim or uBODE) and adjust accordingly.


Buzzy Cnayl created a new topic ' Backpack Version 6.03' in the forum. 18:49, 01 Marzo 2025

There are some updated backpacks now available at the Mintor store. These fix the issue of them not working in regions using the XEngine scripting system.


UPDATED: March 3, 2025

I've started creating the Japanese "fields". Here is the latest list that is being worked on;

➔ Akajiso (red perilla)
➔ Hakusai (Chinese cabbage
➔ Horenso (spinach)
➔ Kayabetsu (cabbage)
➔ Komatsuna (Japanese mustard spinach)
➔ Kyuri (cucumber)
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Buzzy Cnayl With the current system, all products are rezzed with a rotation of zero degrees, so you would need to make sure that they are made with zero being the right way up (if that makes sense!) Some info... Show more
Buzzy Cnayl I can also look at updating the code to read in a rotation from the config file as that is relativly simple I think! yesterday
Annah Gestaga Thank you, i will look at the guide again and try to work it out. yesterday
Annah Gestaga
Annah Gestaga changed Kaze no Sato avatar 01:13, 01 Marzo 2025
Buzzy Cnayl replied to the topic 'Backpack Issue' in the forum. 17:14, 27 Febrero 2025

Yes, I will update the backpacks to fix the XEngine issue and also the carts to add support for switching between using uBODE or BulletSim


adore has a new avatar. 11:27, 27 Febrero 2025

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