Pregunta SF Chicken Feeder

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SF Chicken Feeder Publicado por a Guest

Posted 22 Oct 2022 10:31 #2124
Hello ,

keep getting the following message:

[03:29] SF Chicken Feeder: Error! Auto-mode NOT working as can't find with 96m: SF Bulk Storage

I edited NC as follows:

TITLE=Chicken Feeder
#Product to accept as food. There can be multiple FOOD= lines if the feeder can accept multiple foods
# Which food container to search for autofood
# Which product to take from the autofood container

Food is in Silo Storage, 5m away.
However, the message keeps coming.
What else do I have to consider?
por a Guest

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
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Respuesta de Buzzy Cnayl sobre el tema SF Chicken Feeder

Posted 22 Oct 2022 11:08 #2127
Sorry, I just checked and it seems it won't pick up any changes to the notecard until you click the Reset Scripts button (or take into inventory and then re-rez) I will look into changing this for future versions but for now hopefully doing the reset scripts will get it working for you.
por Buzzy Cnayl

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  • a Guest
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Respuesta de a Guest sobre el tema SF Chicken Feeder

Posted 22 Oct 2022 11:13 #2129
Scripts reset : Yes
Inventory included: Yes
rezzed: yes

not found Storage
por a Guest

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Gracias recibidas: 47

Respuesta de Buzzy Cnayl sobre el tema SF Chicken Feeder

Posted 22 Oct 2022 11:48 #2131
After you reset scripts, if you then turn off AutoFood, then standing next to it (so you can hear any whispers it may make) turn AutoFood back on, what is it saying/messages do you get? At the moment I'm wondering if the SF Silo Storage has been renamed as it is case sensitive (so SF Silo storage for instance won't work) - Sorry if you've already checked this as I'm at a loss now why it fails for you.
por Buzzy Cnayl

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Respuesta de a Guest sobre el tema SF Chicken Feeder

Posted 22 Oct 2022 12:47 #2132
[05:46] SF Chicken Feeder: Auto food=Off
[05:46] SF Chicken Feeder: Auto food=On

Chicken Food : 27%
By Chicken Food: 1%
Say SF Bulk Storage not found
-- NC is SF Silo Storage
por a Guest

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Respuesta de a Guest sobre el tema SF Chicken Feeder

Posted 22 Oct 2022 12:51 #2133
others is Rabbit Feeder:

[05:50] SF Rabbit Feeder: Auto food=Off
[05:50] SF Rabbit Feeder: Auto food=On
[05:50] SF Rabbit Feeder flüstert: Looking for SF Haystack...
[05:50] SF Rabbit Feeder flüstert: Found SF Haystack
[05:50] SF Rabbit Feeder flüstert: Looking for SF Haystack...
[05:50] SF Rabbit Feeder flüstert: Found SF Haystack

takes no hay from the storage.
Food stays at 1%
por a Guest

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