Pregunta Where is Buzzy / Admin
- Rick Hamelin
Autor del tema
- Gracias recibidas: 1
I posted a message on November 3oth about a hud issue on Grid Nirvanna. I also notice Lugo has been offline for a while and no relies to issues from Buzzy/admin. Any one know if hge is ok?
Last Edit:06 Dic 2024 12:50
por Rick Hamelin
Última Edición: 06 Dic 2024 12:50 por Rick Hamelin.
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- Bobbi Fox
- Gracias recibidas: 3
Last visit looks to have been 17th Oct. Hope he is ok
por Bobbi Fox
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- Rick Hamelin
Autor del tema
- Gracias recibidas: 1
YES . Lugo has also been offline. Wondering who is maintaining the system?
por Rick Hamelin
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: Bobbi Fox
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- Bobbi Fox
- Gracias recibidas: 3
server must be working Im getting Xp and vivos
por Bobbi Fox
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- Krellis Strom
- Gracias recibidas: 3
He has been absent like this previously due to real life. Sending positive thoughts his way.
por Krellis Strom
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- Savannah Joy
- Gracias recibidas: 1
I just saw that he was on 7 days ago. Hoping things are going well for him.
This is an old post so maybe some questions got answered.
This is an old post so maybe some questions got answered.
por Savannah Joy
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