Importante Last Report On SF Baby

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Last Report On SF Baby Publicado por a Guest

Posted 15 Nov 2022 01:54 #2239
My grid went down, yesterday, and a server wreaked apparent, havoc. When I was able to get back, this afternoon, the 2-week old baby was 0 days old. Just an FYI. Not doing that, again.
por a Guest

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  • Cris Zully
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Respuesta de Cris Zully sobre el tema Last Report On SF Baby

Posted 15 Nov 2022 12:23 #2240
Bom dia. Eu sempre tenho o bb atachado em mim ao deslogar. Quando acontece do bb ir para zero dias eu o procuro no meu inventário. Rez no mundo, peço para atacha-lo ,,reseto e ele volta com os dias certos.
por Cris Zully

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  • a Guest
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Respuesta de a Guest sobre el tema Last Report On SF Baby

Posted 16 Nov 2022 14:10 #2247
Ohh.. okay! I'd never experienced that problem, before!! Thank you! ????
por a Guest

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