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Pregunta Changing Sim Platforms

  • Bry Bikcin
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  • Gracias recibidas: 0

Changing Sim Platforms Publicado por Bry Bikcin

Posted 20 Oct 2022 20:24 #2115
Our grid is getting ready to change SIm platforms. Backup of the old sim and restore it to the new platform. This of course resets script memory. What can be done to minimize loss of product, crops and livestock when this occurs?
por Bry Bikcin

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
  • Gracias recibidas: 47

Respuesta de Buzzy Cnayl sobre el tema Changing Sim Platforms

Posted 21 Oct 2022 10:30 #2116
As you say, restoring from oars will reset things so not much you can do apart from embrace the joy of building from new! That said, typing 'backup' just to flush things before saving the oar is one thing and of course making sure all products are in storage. When you restore the storage units are likely to reset but, in theory, you can then copy the contents of the notecard storagenc-old to storagenc-old and then resetting scripts should restore the stock levels. For animals, eggs tend to reset back to zero minutes old so making sure all are hatched can help, but again animals often do reset on the restore.
por Buzzy Cnayl

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