Pregunta Other grids
- Spencer St John
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Hello friends.
I was wondering if Quintonia can still be used on other grids. I thought that I saw somewhere that if you joined the Quintonia group, you could use it on other grids. Could someone please advise? Thank you.
Vargyr Wolf
I was wondering if Quintonia can still be used on other grids. I thought that I saw somewhere that if you joined the Quintonia group, you could use it on other grids. Could someone please advise? Thank you.

Vargyr Wolf
por Spencer St John
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- a Guest
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Hello Spencer, yes it can be used on other grids. You don't have to be in the Quintonia group for it to work. I have used Quintonia on 2 different grids. 
River C.

River C.
Last Edit:14 Ago 2021 00:02
por a Guest
Última Edición: 14 Ago 2021 00:02 por a Guest.
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- Calder Darkstone
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Are Satyr Farm and Quintonia Farms interchangeable? If someone already has an established Satyr Farm, can they use or port over their crops / animals / etc into Quintonia? Or would they have to start everything over?
por Calder Darkstone
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You would have to start over with your animals for sure. I tried moving some chickens and cows but they died quickly after I rezzed them out. I don't know if storage items keep the amounts of crops that you already have or not. I went to Quintonia and got all the boxes again and used the new stuff. I really can't remember if I rezzed any of my transferred things or not.
por a Guest
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- Spencer St John
Autor del tema
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Thank you so much for your help, River. I appreciate your answering my question. I wasn't sure if it would conflict or not. 
Spencer (Vargyr Wolf)

Spencer (Vargyr Wolf)
por Spencer St John
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- Crash Button
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Hey there Calder, welcome to Quintonia, yaaaay. As far as I know Satyr Farms are just the base of the Quintonia Edition. As Cnayl has written on the intro page ( ) Quintonia is a more/further developed model with more items, animals, actions etc.Are Satyr Farm and Quintonia Farms interchangeable? If someone already has an established Satyr Farm, can they use or port over their crops / animals / etc into Quintonia? Or would they have to start everything over?
Based on my experience, moving grids or even regions is bad for the animals. We created our own grid a few months back and the only thing I could salvage were the crops, and they would needed a script reset and reconnections to the power grid for water and electricity.
If you plan to move and want to keep your harvested storage numbers best is to save your storage notecard and then replace it in the new one.
As far as items go, as long as they are named with the "SF" prefix they should have no problem being used further, that's basically the same script. And if you do have issues then all you got to do is replace the scripts in your items with those from Quintonia edition.
por Crash Button
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